Thursday, March 31, 2011

McLuhan's Tetrad for the Telephone

Cluster with Gutenberg Printing, Telegraph, Radio, and Cell Phones in the area of Retrieve


  1. I was thinking about this last night after posting my blog. If we consider the telephone as a cluster of communication systems, then it is a logical step from the mass communication technologies in that it allows both mass communication(phone conferencing) and individual communication. On the other hand, it is a new innovation in that it allows synchronous voice communication over distance.
    Depending on the path one goes down, the clusters and chains will be different. What do you think?

  2. Wow, this was great thinking out of the box. I am interested to hear more about your thoughts on the obsolescence of privacy and isolation. I had not considered these emotional aspects as much as other hardware.Your idea of dance as complication was also a nice addition.

  3. Hi Bob, There are so many connections (no pun intended)with these communication tools in the quadrants of retrieval and reversal, that it is one giant mass of cluster and like DNA, one very long chain when stretched out. Did you see the holograph teleconferencing video? We live in exciting times!

  4. Hi Dr W,
    Thanks for your positive and encouraging comments. I tried to go back as far as I could imagine and stay within the human race for the various forms of communication. When I was growing up, we were a large and very private family in the Midwest. We were raised that way because that's how my parents grew up. The phone really opened up the world to my parents, who were raised with the social life of a few neighbors and no phones. Many times they were frustrated and resentful of the intrusion in their life of the phone ringing. Today, those privacy days are gone for most of us. We are so connected as we mulitask our way through life. I really see it exponentially in students. It is like cutting their umbilical cord, their source of life, to ask them to stop texting while they are driving or doing a chem lab.

  5. Marlene:

    Interesting choice of technologies, especially the retrieval I am seeing the cluster. Was privacy made obsolete by telephone itself or by policies?

