Saturday, November 6, 2010

Static vs Dynamic Technologies Concept Map

Both f2f and online courses have a tendency to be teacher-directed, teacher-driven, and teacher information dumping grounds. I have been on a campaign for the past two years to bring our science teachers into an awareness and practice of inquiry science where they allow students to ask the questions, design experimental labs, do more collaboration in the process, and present their findings to their peers. The assessments and teachers strategies must change in these environments. As of today, I would estimate we are 80% on the static side and 20% of our strategies are dynamic. I would like to see this reverse, but need to take baby steps in making it happen. Experimental design and science projects have already been integrated in a three week full-time block of our high school science curriculum; we are continuing to add more robotics problem-solving teams each year; and currently, I am piloting a MUVE (the River City Project) in a middle school classroom along with continuing science teacher professional development in inquiry .